


PG电子官方免费下载公共安全部门想让你知道 你的 预警警报系统.  In the world today - with life threatening hazards traveling up and down our interstates, rail roads, and road ways, and unexpected weather conditions - having a warning system for the public will help Law Enforcement give you valuable information at critical 次.
的 Six County 警报系统 has been selected to help the public identify and react 到可能危及生命的情况. PG电子官方免费下载是六县的一部分 警报系统.  这个系统由一个三音警报器组成.  本系统设计 去通知那些人 即时回应.  Those inside buildings should be able 听到 the sirens but, if not, you will be notified by the College’s emergency alert/warning system.  你必须接受这些警告.  看到警报注册,点击“注册”和 按照说明操作.

雪的大学 provides all employees and students a means to be notified of emergencies. This notification will come to your cellular phone or computer by way of a call, e-mail 或者短信. Each employee or student may choose to be involved by signing up 对于此紧急警报通知.  注册紧急警报/警告 System known as “Send Word Now”, go to this 雪的大学 Website: www.雪.edu/alert, and click on “sign up / remove” and 按照说明操作.  你将继续留在 this list as long as you are a registered student or employee of 雪的大学 unless you remove your phone number by going to the same website and clicking on delete.

火音警笛是一种长高低哀号.  This is the same tone presently used in some communities to call their fire personal 对着火.  In Ephraim, the fire department does NOT use the fire siren for the public 听到.  This tone will not be used in Ephraim City but in other parts of Sanpete 和塞维尔县,可以使用.


避难所 (SIP) 音调警笛是一种快速高低哀号.  This tone might be confused with the fire siren if you aren’t aware of the faster 哀号的循环.  In the event you hear the SIP tone, go inside immediately and 关闭并锁好所有门窗.  关闭所有通风设备.  把收音机调到 KMTI(上午6点50分)询问如何操作.


的re are several reasons you may receive a request to Shelter-in-Place:

1) You may be notified to SIP if 在那里 is a weather related condition coming toward your community, such as a tornado or severe hail storm, etc.

 2) You may also be asked to SIP in the event of a criminal in your area, one that 是武装的,危险的,是对社区的威胁吗.

3) You may be asked to SIP for a hazardous materials toxic plume.  如果这是 case, you will need to have a “SIP kit” which can be used immediately to seal one small 房间 (safe 房间) in your home, apartment or college building for no more than 2小时.

When choosing a “safe 房间” to shelter from a hazmat plume, you will want a 房间 on the first or second floor with as few windows and doors as possible, (not a basement, since toxic fumes may settle 在那里) like a small interior bath房间. 在大多数情况下 shelter-in-place will be much less than 2 hours with the usual air flow in our area.

For your SIP kit you will need five or six mil plastic sheeting to cover each window, 你“安全屋”的门和通风口.“提前剪掉塑料,大约4英寸 比框架宽.  标签每件快速应用.  你还需要 用管道胶带封住塑料布.  不要在塑料上留下褶皱或折痕 当你把它挂起来的时候.  Be sure to tape around all electrical outlets, and 任何 plumbing 管道进入房间.  Also, be sure to check inside cupboards for holes as well.  用新鲜的管道胶带密封.  你还需要一个紧急收音机, weather band radio, telephone or cell phone, some food and water and - if you have children or pets - 任何thing that will help the time go by: books, games, a coloring 书和蜡笔等. 别忘了尿布和配方奶粉.

If you have large dogs and/or m任何 pets, you may want to shelter them in another 房间.  You may not have time to seal the 房间 as well as your own safe 房间.  记住, air exchange rate is greater in a less insulated home, trailer and car.  不要尝试 在车里打盹!

*If you run a business and must SIP for a hazmat event, you may have patrons that 需要和你一起SIP吗.  请注意这一点,因为您可能需要多个保险箱 房间.  相应的计划! 

*If you are at home or in your apartment, you may have comp任何 and must SIP with everyone 有害物质羽流.  注意这一点,你可能需要不止一个安全屋. 计划 相应的!

You will be notified by emergency responders, Public radio announcement (KMTI 650 AM) or the college’s emergency alert system (Send Word Now) when it is OK to leave 安全室.  At that time, you will want to have one person leave and open up all windows and doors, and turn on ventilation to remove the possibly contaminated air inside your home, replenishing with fresh air from 外.


疏散警笛声为长高音实音. This tone will start low and slowly build to a high tone, where it will stay solid. You will need to turn on your radio to KMTI (650 AM) or wait for the College’s Emergency Alert System (Send Word Now) for information relating to the evacuation process i.e. 离开你所在位置的方向.  只有在社区允许的情况下才会使用这种语气 safely evacuate from the hazard rather than Shelter-in-Place, or if it is more dangerous 待.  Such a threat might include a wildfire or a terrorist bomb attack, or flood.  You will most likely be told the safest locations to evacuate to and the road to get 在那里.  You will need to make sure you follow those directions; those trying to take a “short cut” may send you through the danger zone and put yourself at risk.

雪的大学 has made available to all students and employees (using a computer on campus) a chance to view and receive 培训 relating to what they should do if you 是否面临校园枪击案. 这个信息/培训视频 可在 www.雪.edu/safety and click on “Shots Fired” which is close to the bottom of the page.

如果您对以下方面有疑问或担忧 任何 of the College’s early warning systems, call 雪的大学 公共安全 at 435-283-7170 并要求 警报系统和掩体就位,马上发消息 培训. 


For more information about 雪的大学 公共安全, or to contact Campus Police, 打电话给435-283-7170